Increasingly shoppers do not trust promotions and they often feel that they are misleading – sometimes deliberately. What can retailers do to increase shopper trust in their promotions?
What do shoppers want?
When visiting a store shoppers want to be able to easily see all the information needed to make a buying decision about every product in the store. This includes prices, offers, specifications, reviews or anything else that they think they might need to make the best buying decision. All of the information has to be clear, accurate and consistent throughout the store and, as one of my retailer friends insists, make sense to the average 10 year old.
It’s not always easy for retailers to consistently deliver full compliance across all stores but the risks of not doing compliance and promotions well is increasing. Shoppers are less tolerant of missing or inaccurate information in physical stores because they have experienced how well many online competitors present product information.
Excellent ticketing is becoming a priority
A number of large retailers have already understood the strategic importance of a smart ticketing system as a key part of their in-store infrastructure and as a vehicle for managing all in-store customer communications. Justifying a new ticketing system to the board is no longer about cost savings over traditional production methods it’s a high priority business decision.
As new high functioning ticketing systems like NetTickIT get increasingly deployed it opens up opportunities to not just improve the value and accuracy of pricing and offers for customers but to also introduce some new ways of working that were not previously possible. This is where life gets very exciting and the trust of customers returns.