Importance of retail signage
With the introduction of the new code of practice for airport retailers and 55% of customers saying easy access to information and support can make them fall in love with your brand1, grabbing customer attention at the vital point of purchase is more important than ever.
How can retailers meet both this New Code of Practice and customers’ expectations?
We, at Pierhouse, suggest you assess your in-store communications by starting at the shelf edge and decide what messages and detail you need to communicate at this vital point of purchase and then build your communications outwardly to larger PoS, front of store, digital and online channels. So consider the following for shelf edge communications:
- Clear pricing and promotional messages including unit pricing, value added tax (VAT) and multi-currencies.
- Full product descriptions and customer reviews in multiple languages.
- The frequency of your price and product changes in stores, from weekly, daily, hourly or maybe even based on variable flight schedules could be made possible with the use of Electronic Shelf Edge Labels in parts of or an entire store.
Our NetTickIT® Platform can allow you to do all of this and more. For example imagine an airport retailer who can change their signage to display Chinese product descriptions and the price in Yuan for inbound flights from Beijing and then swaps to German and Euros for the Berlin flight – this could be linked to the airport’s flight system to happen automatically.
Once the messages at the shelf edge are right then you can build out your messages to all touchpoints ensuring a seamless consistent message throughout.
UK retailers who get this right and have high customer satisfaction ratings achieved on average an extra 3% in sales growth above those who didn’t2. Talk to us today for more information +44 1252 73500.
1 RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report
2 UKCSI Customer Satisfaction Index 2014
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