Price is only the number three reason why shoppers are likely to leave a store without buying anything – according to the latest shopper survey from Pierhouse. In number one slot 91% of shoppers said that they were likely to leave a store if they could not find a specific product. The product might have been out of stock, or even worse been in stock but difficult to find because the signage was missing or not helpful.
In second place a surprisingly large 41% of customers are highly likely to leave without buying anything due to either too little or too much attention from store staff. This issue raised more emotive comments from survey respondents than anything else.
In the key area of getting the basics right 63% of shoppers stated that they are likely to leave if they can’t see the price of a product. Malcolm Wicks, Marketing Director at Pierhouse commented that in other store surveys they see frequent examples of products without a clear price ticket. Linking these two point together means that some retailers are loosing a significant number of sales opportunities.
One question in our Pierhouse survey that we have not seen in other surveys referred to cluttered and unwelcoming stores. When visiting stores with these characteristics 26% of people stated that they are highly likely to leave before looking at anything.
You can read a full summary of the findings here.