We are getting a lot of people asking us about how NetTickIT can be used to support fast ticketing in today’s world of high inflation. We know how important role it plays in helping store colleagues change tickets frequently (currently up to 5 times more often than in non-inflationary periods).
Retailers inflation – how NetTickIT platform can help you
The obvious benefits are time, resource, and materials benefits, for printed tickets. A bigger benefit is NetTickIT Hybrid – print, digital display and ESL, an all-in-one multi-display publishing engine which brings whopping benefits to in-store pricing and promotions.
However, NetTickIT offers much more than fast, cost-efficient, sustainable ticketing. This week, I want to talk about NetTickIT and VMC (visual message creation). What’s the context?
- 90% of information sent to the brain is visual
- Coloured visuals are likely to increase a person’s willingness to read something by 80%
- People only remember around 10% of what they listen to
Digital displays in the context of an retail inflation
Another interesting bit of information is that people only read around 20% of what they see on a webpage. Now, what does that mean for in-store ticketing and digital displays, in the context of an retail inflation? 3 key points:
- #Attract your customer to your shop window with well designed, #colourful tickets – if possible, with appealing photos
- Get them to come into your store, using #engaging offers – for this you really must know your customer and use appealing messaging – at this time more likely to be around #price and #value
- When your customers come in-store, make it easy for them to find your products – route, category, and shelf signage – #colour can be used in a range of really, creative ways here; category, special offer, loyalty offer (all different colours). Seek engagement and commitment at the shelf edge
Important to remember:
- Over 60% of people think images are more important than product descriptions – visual on the ticket or triggered off the ticket by a mobile phone is very useful
- Over 50% of customers think that images play a bigger role in conversion than ratings or reviews
- Using a #video in the engagement process can increase conversions by way over 80%
Just to summarise NetTickIT offers fast ticketing which is appealing, colourful and engaging. Right at the shelf edge, it can be used to access online product images and a suite of online videos.
NetTickIT VMC – Visual Message Creation boosts conversions, fast. If you have any questions, contact us.